Elige Texto Pro, the new Binary Motor communication app in Spanish has arrived!


The best communication app in Spanish has arrived!

With Elige Texto Pro you’ll enjoy the fastest and easiest way to send your communications by texting (SMS), email or copying and pasting your messages where you want. Choose the words and send them!


- You can choose between lingo (acronyms and abbreviations) or full text to directly send texting (SMS) and emails pushing the indicated cells.

- Also you can copy and paste the lingo or full text selected in your social networks or anywhere.

- The email option indicates what is your email service you want to use to send the message.

- Elige Texto Pro includes the 1,000 lingos (acronyms and abbreviations) and their related 1,000 full texts most used in the Spanish language. These sentences will serve you at any place and any moment.

- The 1,000 sentences are divided in 9 categories by function of its natural use:

- “Todas” (the 1,000 sentences); “Creadas” (your own lingos and texts); “Sobre mí” (e.g. ytb, Yo también); “Para ti” (ej. xqnlla+?, ¿Por qué no llamas?); “Saludos” (ej. hsta mñn, Hasta mañana); “Lugar y tiempo” (e.g. mñxmñ, Mañana por la mañana); “Amor” (e.g. tacl, Te quiero con locura); “Expresiones” (e.g. espeultperd, La esperanza es lo último que se pierde); “Varias” (e.g. xsp, Por supuesto).

- In “Creadas” category, you can create, edit and delete your own cells of lingos and full texts to completely customize your messages according to your needs. Also, you can edit any sentence before to send it.

- You can make until 300 new cells in the “Created” category.

- Full search by characters or words in the lingos and full texts to achieve the best message.

- Option to go to specific page number.

- If the lingo and the full text length are very long for your screen size, you can do a full view of them with long push.

- At the moment to send the sentence you can choose the contact of your device contacts list or directly enter a phone number.

- You can use this application with keyboards or built-in trackballs incorporated in the device, or with external keyboards by Bluetooth, docking, USB, etc, etc.

- The app is practically available in all sizes, densities and screen resolutions of smartphones, tablets and other devices from AndroidTM2.1 to 4.4. and it will be available to the all Android versions and for the screen resolutions that emerge in a future.

Especifically, Elige Texto Pro is available for more than 4,500 different devices abording all the carriers and manufacturers.

- Elige Texto Pro is available for more than 4,500 different devices abording all the carriers and manufacturers.

- The App is totally free of charge for the SMS (you only pay the normal price that you have contracted with your carrier because the app uses internally the texting option of your device) and obviously send an email is free!!

- And remember that when you buy the app, you pay it one time and enjoy forever on all your Android devices linked to your Google Play account, because buying it for one device, you can free install it in all of your gadgets.

Pushing the button you can go directly to Elige Texto Pro URL on the Google PlayTM Store to download and enjoy this fantastic app:

Get it on Google Play 
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